I found this while clearing paperwork and other items from my parents home. I've no idea who wrote it, who sent it or why they kept it. Regardless, I was happy to find it and share it.
Why Older Mothers Have a Tough Time
If we are concerned, we are over protective;
if we are unconcerned, we are neglectful.
If we nurture generously, we are smoldering;
if we nurture less, we are withholding.
If we are successful, we are intimidating;
if we are unsuccessful, we are poor role models.
If we are available, we encourage dependency;
if we are busy ourselves, we are detached.
If we offer advice, we are controlling;
if we refrain, we are disinterested.
If we phone, write or visit often, we ae pests;
if we don't, we are thought uncaring.
If we give or loan money, we engender resentment;
if we don't give or loan money, we are cheap.
If we help with their tasks, we are drudges,
if we don't, we are considered lazy.
If we lover our husbands or lothers best, we put them first;
if we love descendants first, we have no life of our own.
If we put ourselves last, we have no self love;
if we put ourselves first, we are narcissistic.
If we hide our needs, we are martyrs;
if we reveal our needs, we are demanding.
If we provide for our old age, we are selfish;
if we don't provide, we are burdens.
If we pitch in, we question their competency;
if we don't pitch in, they question our competency.
If all of this is true, we might as well
do what we wish and do it OUTRAGEOUSLY!
-- Author Unknown
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