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Snips and Snails and Puppy-dog's Tails |
I planned and planned. I spent my whole life planning to be a Mom.
While other little girls played house, I mapped out my family. There would be 4 children; the first 2 would be two to three years apart (only one in diapers at a time, thank you very much!). Later, when the perfect ones had started school and my house was a little calmer during the day, I would birth the next set, also 2 - 3 years apart. I never even noticed the chuckle from above as I drew our perfect family in 2nd grade art class.
Being a child of the sixties meant that change was all around me. Stay-at-home-moms weren't de rigueur any more. Women were expected to do it all. You know, bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and never let you forget you're a man (with apologies to Peggy Lee and Enjoi). I also saw that amongst the working Moms were the divorced Moms - all of which were expected to be all things to all people. This is when I decided I would be Boss Mom. I didn't know what I would do, but I would have my own business, make my own schedule and be able to juggle it all with ease. I'm sure the day's thunder was to drown out the laughter from over head.
Time passed, I got married, I had my first child, I started my own business. All in all, I was pretty happy in life. The girls were 3 and a half years apart and the plan was in place. Of course girls have their own ups and downs, they can be like kittens clawing at each other one minute then the very next curled up together and inseparable the next.
As more time passed, the plan started to fray at the edges a bit. The kids were all in school and the marriage ... well, you know... things change. 9 years and one husband after the last birth, little Bamm-bamm came into our lives. And the laughter turned into a roar.
Episode 1: How to Lose a Sleeping Baby
Our little bundle of boy could not crawl yet, but it is amazing how far they can get without crawling. You put them down at one end of the crib and when you come back, they have squirmed their way to the opposite end, waking up with a gentle cooing and giggling at their happy toes.
I entered the brightly painted nursery, fully expecting to find my little baby boy in his crib on the mattress, under the watchful eye of the musical mobile's farm animals.
Instead, I found an empty crib. No big yawn and blinking eyes greeted me while I stood there dumb founded, wondering if I had left him in the playpen downstairs. Am I that forgetful? Yes, I concurred and ran downstairs. Still no baby!
Could I have left him at the school with the other children? After all, sleep deprivation is a nasty animal. No, not possible - I wasn't even at the school this morning. The once perfect children had boarded the school bus hours earlier (I hoped).
Dashing back to the room, I saw the mattress move, ever so slightly, but it moved - I was sure of it. Lifting the mattress up for the first of many times I found Bamm-bamm. He had unbelievably lifted the mattress and crawled under it creating his own fortress of nap. My tears of relief and joy were met by his gassy expulsion and laughter, also the first of many times.
This was not the plan. Did I hear someone laughing?
Cys Bronner's resume holds the various and extremely impressive titles of Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Social Network/Community Builder, and lover of all things cycling. When she is not trying to save her sanity by thinking 3 steps ahead of her kids or the rest of the family, you'll find her with her 2 dogs and a cup of coffee. Come to think of it, you'll always find her with a cup of coffee.