I am so glad juicing has found it's way into America's kitchens.
Back in the day, I would come home from work and too tired to cook, or just not interested in cooking for one, I would throw any veggie within reach into the blender with ice (I have no idea why I used ice instead of water).
On a few occasions I might use fruit and yogurt. Those were the throw-caution-to-the-wind days since it took more effort to clean the blender afterwards. As a single woman living in San Francisco, it was more likely that you would find me leaning over the sink at midnight, rushing to finish the yogurt before it's expiration date.
After a while, I traded in my whole-food-wheat-grass-vegetarian life for one that was just a little more acceptable to my new life of being evolving wanna be gourmet chef as the perfect wife slash mommy. During my attempt to bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan with all the ease of Martha Stewart, I hid my pregnancy cravings of large quantity of lettuce and dined on a steady supply of Burrito Supremes. While my then husband would make his pilgrimage to Taco Bell, I would greedily consume complete heads of lettuce in secret.
Confessing my shame to my OB/Gyn he pointed out that your body often craves what it needs. I needed more Chlorophyll which I was getting from my leafy greens and the beans assisted in my body's desire for protein. All good things that the baby would like too.
Fast forward to my recent years which include a new and improved husband, I've returned to my old ways. The meatatarians in from life might ridicule me just a tad but over all they're jiggy with it, as long as I still throw some baby backed ribs their way every now and then.
Last week I was watching one of "those" documentaries Fat Sick & Nearly Dead and my husband pulled up a seat to watch. This was monumental. On most occasions, he'll stand in the doorway, heckle some or pause slightly as he walks through the room on his way to the kitchen - pausing only for that little wink at his wife.
As I said, he pulled up a seat. He sat forward and watched, really watched. He stayed. the. entire. time.
The next day, he watched Forks Over Knives with me and told over people about it!
Today, I didn't feel like getting up early and making our traditional family breakfast that could feed a few farm hands. On his suggestion, I threw some vegetables into the blender for a long lost feeling of nostalgia. Why, oh why, did I ever give this up? I wondered out loud.
Then I heard it, those magic words, "You know honey, I bet you'd like a juicer". After that, he took me to the Farmer's Market where I bought goat cheese with glee (and not one snicker). I love this man.
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