Stanley Bronner
March 19, 1923 – November 15, 2010
He loved…
He loved music, dancing, education, sharing stories and family – mostly family.
I talk a lot about my parents being my heros, how they were role models in showing us how you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.
Like all the children of the survivors I saw this in action and learned it through his sage wisdom. Most of his advice started with “If a person wants to make something of himself ...”
I moved away for a few years and when I returned, like Mark Twain, I realized how much smarter my father had become while I was away.
His advice became clearer in its importance to me as I raised my own family, grew my own business and stayed true to the integrity in which I was raised.
No matter what we might think at the moment, we are the product of the people around us, the end result of how we were raised .. and for that Daddy, I thank you.